Head of CELBET visited Slovakia

On 15 of October, Head of CELBET Mr Jyrki Linna together with CELBET Project Coordinator Mrs Pille Jogisoo have visited Slovakia. During the visit to the Financial Administration, they met with the Director General of the Customs Section Mr Tomáš Prochocký, with whom they spoke about the current state and CELBET events, the active involvement of Slovakia in its activities as well as the Slovak-Ukrainian border crossing points. The CELBET representatives’ visit highlighted the meaningful and fruitful membership of Slovakia in the CELBET project.

Canine Training Center in Gajary, which became the Center of Expertise for CELBET in the field of service dog training was also a point of guests’ interest. Slovak Canine Service Unit presented general information about the center and also canine service with the details of international cooperation and opportunities that are being made by CELBET activities. Mr Linna and Mrs Jogisso thanked for their support in obtaining the accreditation of the Gajary Center as an Expert Center for CELBET. Center, accommodation and training facilities were presented to the guests who, the same way, had the opportunity to see the preparation of dog handlers as a part of canine courses. The CELBET delegation was very interested in training and new trends in the sniffer dogs training. Due to the great potential of the center, Slovakian handlers and trainers have the opportunity to share valuable experience with colleagues from other CELBET Member States. They have already had several joint trainings within the project and next are coming. Head of CELBET expressed his appreciation for Center support and declared his conviction that this center will gradually gain prestigous position among EU customs administrations.
