All CELBET teams meeting in Budapest.

From 17 to 18 of October all CELBET experts and team leaders met in Budapest.

First day was dedicated to summing up all 8 years of CELBET 3 phases’ activities.

Leaders and experts of each team have presented their activities and also the way the team has been integrating and developing the teamwork approach.

„Being part of CELBET I feel like graduating the university of customs”

– this is how Georgio from Greece expressed his opinion as an expert.


Second day of the experts meeting started with a evaluation of the CELBET activities from a Greek Customs ( Independent Authority for Public Revenue). Mrs Angeliki Matsouka, Head to Cabinet to DG Support Department, told successful story of the CELBET support and assistance in Greece.

Mrs Matsouka recalled the early beginning of the project and repeated well known message:

„I feel mother of CELBET. I supported the initiative from the very beginning. And even when I changed my job position I couldn’t leave CELBET. Mother doesn’t leave her baby”.

Information on new expert team EUCABET, with the structure and teams’ role was presented by Head of CELBET Andras Bartha.

The last point of the meeting agenda was a common creativity task: puzzles of heritage.

Each team had to fill the puzzle with a message reflecting the essence of the CELBET expert team and cooperation core.

The puzzle picture will be placed in Center of Expertise on Customs Control Skills Development on Hungarian – Serbian Roszke BCP.

In the closing speech, Head of CELBET underlined the commitment, creativity and visbile work result of the teams.

