CELBET BCP Management and Evaluation team is developing a BCP Diagnostic Tool, which could help to understand the situation at the BCP in different areas, including infrastructure, equipment, controls, cooperation with border agencies, training and management. The first testing of the tool was performed in BCP Albita together with representatives from CELBET Operational Controls and Equipment team. The good cooperation between Customs and the Border Police was noticed. Needs to update BCP infrastructure and equipment were discussed. The participants of the visit agreed, that the tool is very helpful, not just for CELBET but for national administrations, in order to get the information on the strengths and on the areas of improvement at the BCP and it was decided to develop the BCP Diagnostic tool further. Also the benefits for closer cooperation between BCPs with similarities was acknowledged.
CELBET BCP Management and Evaluation team would like to thank the Head of the Albita BCP and all the staff who were involved in hosting that fruitful visit.