Time for mission !
On Monday, 11 of October, at the border crossing point in Karasovici in Croatia, CELBET mission starts. Why is the mission unique activity ? Take a look at the short graph below.

Today is the last day of the missions that were held in Croatia, Poland and Romania. Mission in Croatia took place in BCP in Karasovici. Visiting officers were from Hungary, Poland and Romania. Polish mission was organized in BCP Korczowa. Customs officers from Lithuania, Latvia and Greece participated in this mission. Albita is the BCP … Read more
Time for mission !
On Monday, 11 of October, at the border crossing point in Karasovici in Croatia, CELBET mission starts. Why is the mission unique activity ? Take a look at the short graph below.
Bus search training in Przemyśl and Medyka, Poland ends today. CELBET Training Team together with the National School of Revenue Administration organized a “Bus search” course, that started on 28 of October in Przemyśl, south of Poland. The training was dedicated to trainers of control techniques. The lecturers were experts from Poland and Hungary. The … Read more
CELBET Cooperation Team and National Contact Points met on 26.08 in Warsaw. The meeting was dedicated mainly to the mission arrangements and rules. CELBET Mission is a practice-oriented exchange of CELBET customs officials at the EU Eastern and South-Eastern land border. The general aim of the mission is to exchange best practices and improve customs … Read more